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Law Office of Michael D. Waks

Your Legal Rights After A Parking Lot Accident

down-town-santa-rosa-1260153-mMost of us use parking lots without considering the potential safety hazards. We think that since cars travel at a low rate of speed, parking lot accidents are unlikely. Parking lots are actually dangerous places for pedestrians and drivers.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration warns that parking lots are one of the most common sites of back-over crashes.  Back-over accidents happen when a driver pulls out of a parking spot and runs over a pedestrian because the driver is not looking.

Parking lot accidents aren’t restricted to back-over accidents. Two cars can collide or a car can hit a pedestrian head-on when drivers aren’t paying attention.  In addition, slip and fall accidents are common in a poorly maintained parking lot or in a parking lot where there is debris on walkways.

While parking lots can be dangerous places, they don’t have to be. Drivers should exercise the same reasonable caution they would on a road, and owners should make sure their parking lots are safe and secure. If a lot owner or a driver fails in basic safety steps and a parking lot accident occurs, victims can pursue legal action.

How Do Long Beach Parking Lot Accidents Happen?

There are many potential collision points in parking lots. Accidents frequently occur when:

A crowded parking lot can significantly increase the risk of an accident. The Los Angeles Times warns that with 147 million people visiting stores and shopping malls, Black Friday is one of the worst days of the year for parking lot accidents.  A total of 13 percent of Black Friday car insurance claims are rear-end crashes; 11 percent involve a driver hitting a parked car; and eight percent involve a driver backing into another vehicle.

Drivers need to slow down, pay attention and yield the right-of-way in parking lots, especially when the lots are busy.

Who is Responsible for Long Beach Parking Lot Accidents?

When cars collide in a parking lot, usually the driver who hits the other car is responsible. In some cases, however, accidents in parking lots occur in whole or in part because of the lot itself. This can include car crashes resulting from signs that are unclear about which way drivers should go, or if lanes are too narrow for vehicles to safely pass.

In addition to car related injuries, sometimes people in parking lots become victims of crimes due to negligent security, or slip and fall because the lot surface is not maintained or properly lit.

If the lot itself caused the injury, the company that operates, designed, or maintained the lot could be held liable. When pursuing legal action against a lot owner or operator, premises liability laws may apply instead of the negligence laws applicable in car crash cases. Operators of parking lots open to customers will owe a high duty of care to those customers and should ensure they are warning guests of risks or taking reasonable steps to correct hazardous conditions.

A Long Beach Parking Lot Accident Lawyer Can Help

“You Injuries Are Personal to Me”

A Long Beach accident lawyer can help you to take legal action after a parking lot accident. Your injuries are personal to me. Call the Law Office of Michael D. Waks at 888-394-1174 or use the convenient online contact form to schedule a free consultation. You are under no obligation and you will never pay any money unless you recover damages for your injuries. I offer bilingual services as part of my comprehensive approach to legal representation and I am available 24/7 to talk to you about your case.

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