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Law Office of Michael D. Waks

What Kinds of Experts Might Strengthen My Car Accident Claim?


Proving a car accident claim isn’t always a simple task. If opposing parties are disputing liability, questioning the severity of your injuries, or attempting to discredit your version of events, expert witness testimony could mean the difference between fair compensation or walking away empty handed.

A skilled car accident attorney can assess your case and review the available evidence to determine whether your claim will benefit from expert witness deposition. In this article, we will take a look at some of the different types of expert witnesses that might play a role in your case:

1. Medical Expert

Medical expert witnesses are surgeons, physicians, nurses, and other practitioners whose knowledge, experience, and skills qualify them to provide deposition on a specific medical matter. For example, medical experts may provide their opinion regarding the cause of a victim’s injuries, the resulting long-term health impacts, and the applicable standards of care. However, medical experts can also assist with other elements of a personal injury case. For instance, your attorney may consult with a physician to help estimate the value of future medical bills.

2. Economist

If your condition will prevent you from returning to your field of work, or you are unable to work at all, your attorney may depose an economic expert. An economist can help map out your expected career trajectory had you not been injured, and estimate fair compensation for future lost wages and diminished earning potential.

3. Accident Reconstruction Expert

In a bid to reduce how much they have to pay out, opposing parties may dispute the cause of your injuries. In such situations, your attorney may ask an accident reconstruction expert to investigate the wreck and help identify the proximate cause. Using evidence from the scene—such as pictures of the wreck, road markings, and surveillance camera footage—an accident reconstructionist can piece together the moments leading up to the collision.

4. Mental Health Expert

If you are seeking compensation for non-economic damages such as loss of enjoyment of life, emotional distress, and pain and suffering, a mental health expert may play a crucial role in your case. He or she can help explain how this harrowing event—and your injuries—has impacted your psychological wellbeing.

5. Engineering Expert

Some accidents aren’t caused by other motorists but by poor road conditions or a faulty part. Street defects and design flaws can turn a quick commute into a trip to the emergency room. In such situations, your attorney may need to call on an engineer to provide deposition regarding how the road’s flawed design might have contributed to the collision.

Speak to a Car Accident Attorney in Long Beach Today

Your Injuries Are Personal to Me

If you are preparing to file a car accident claim, it’s often important to identify and consult with expert witnesses who could help you build a convincing case. Michael D. Waks is a Long Beach car accident attorney with more than 30 years of experience representing victims. He has access to a vast network of expert witnesses who can provide valuable deposition in car wreck claims. Reach out to us at (562) 206-1939 or make use of our contact form to schedule a free consultation.

Download Our Car Accident Guide

What should you do immediately after a car accident? It’s important that you are able to answer this question and follow the right steps if you are ever involved in a collision. To ensure you’re prepared, download our free car accident guide and stash a copy in your glovebox.

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