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Law Office of Michael D. Waks

Signing A Release Of Liability After a Car Accident Could Cost You Thousands

sign a release of liabilityAfter an auto accident, the insurance company may pressure you to sign a release of liability.  Whether you are making a claim with your own insurer or against another driver’s insurance, you could find yourself with an insurance adjuster putting a release of liability form in front of you.

Before you sign this form, or any other paperwork from an insurer, you should talk with a Long Beach car accident lawyer.  Releasing the insurer and the other driver of liability too soon could end up costing you a significant amount of money.  You can avoid this expensive mistake by getting the right legal advice.

Why Signing a Release of Liability Could Cost You

Signing a release of liability means you absolve the other driver and the insurer of any and all further responsibility for your car accident losses.  You give up the right to make claims arising out of the crash in the future.  You can no longer sue or otherwise seek monetary payment for losses or damages.

You are required to sign a release of liability as a condition of a settlement.  The insurer pays you money that covers your losses, and you sign a waiver promising not to sue in the future.  While this is a necessary part of settling a case outside of court, you should never sign a release of liability until a lawyer has reviewed your settlement offer and you are absolutely certain of the nature and extent of your injuries.

Over 90% of the clients who see me after an accident, and who eventually go on to have surgery, were initially diagnosed with just sprains and strains.  It isn’t until more extensive testing is done, such as MRI’s and CT Scans, that the real severity of an injury can be diagnosed. Only then will you know if there is a need for surgery or some other expensive procedure.  If you sign a release before you know what your medical future holds, you may be making a very big mistake.

Insurance Companies want you to believe they have your best interests at heart.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  Your are not “in good hands” with them.  They want to minimize what they will have to pay, so they often offer immediate settlement funds hoping you will settle before you you realize the settlement you accepted did not cover all your costs.  Contact a seasoned Personal Injury Attorney after you have an accident and before you engage in any discussions with the Insurance Adjuster about the nature and extent of your injuries.

How Can a Long Beach Auto Accident Lawyer Help?

Your Injuries Are Personal to Me

A Long Beach auto accident lawyer can review a settlement offer you receive from an insurer to help you determine if the settlement is fair given the extent of your injuries and the strength of your case.  You should sign a release of liability only after your lawyer has advised you on what your case is worth and after you have negotiated a settlement you are comfortable with, based on the full nature and extent of your past, current and future losses.

My law practice exclusively represents injured accident victims.  I have extensive experience helping clients evaluate their case and settlement offers.  I can help you determine if a settlement offer is a fair one and if you should sign a release of liability.  I can also assist in negotiating a better settlement that fully covers your losses in the likely event that the initial offer you received is inadequate.

Call the Law Office of Michael D. Waks at 888-394-1174 or use the convenient online contact form to learn more.  You are under no obligation and you will never pay any money unless you recover damages for your injuries.  I offer bilingual services as part of my comprehensive approach to legal representation and I am available 24/7 to talk to you about your case.

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