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Law Office of Michael D. Waks

Is It Legal To Ride A Bicycle On The Sidewalk?

bicycle accidentBicycle law is the part of the California Vehicle Code that relates to people cycling in California. The code does not bar riding on sidewalks, but allows local authorities to set their own rules and regulations for cycling on public walkways. As a result, the answer as to whether or not it is legal to ride on a sidewalk in Southern California depends upon where you are.

Where Can I Ride My Bicycle on a Sidewalk?

The California Vehicle Code does not prohibit riding on sidewalks, so cyclists may do so unless the city or town in which they are riding has passed laws banning it. To be on the safe side, bicyclists should contact their local governmental authority to check the rules and regulations about riding on the sidewalk in their area.  Since each locality in California has it’s own rules and regulations, visitors and new residents should check the local rules before riding on public walkways. Failing to do so could result in fines and/or other penalties.

What Should I Do if I am Injured in a Bicycle Accident?

With so many bicycles on the sidewalks and roads in Southern California, bicycle related accidents and injuries are not uncommon. The steps someone should take if they are involved in a bicycle accident are the same ones they should take if they are involved in a car accident. When someone riding a bicycle on the sidewalk or in a roadway injures a pedestrian or another cyclist, the at-fault bicyclist’s information, as well as the information for any witnesses to the accident, should be obtained. The same is true if a negligent driver injures a bicyclist.

People injured in bicycle accidents may have the right to receive compensation for their injuries and should speak to a bicycle accident personal injury attorney as soon as possible following the accident.

Contact an Experienced Long Beach Bicycle Accident Attorney for More Information

“Your Injuries are Personal to Me”

My law practice exclusively represents personal injury victims and does so with a deep understanding of their suffering and an absolute commitment to their recovery. I take your injuries personally, and that is why I directly handle all aspects of every case to ensure that you receive maximum compensation.

Call the Law Office of Michael D. Waks at 888-394-1174 or use the convenient online contact form to schedule a free consultation. You are under no obligation and you will never pay any money unless you recover damages for your injuries. I offer bilingual services as part of my comprehensive approach to legal representation and I am available 24/7 to talk to you about your case.

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