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Law Office of Michael D. Waks

Three Causes of Injury Store Owners Could Be Responsible For

personal injury attorney fall injuries Store owners have a legal duty to take reasonable steps to keep customers safe.  When a store owner fails to fulfill this legal duty and as a result someone is injured, the victim can sue to be compensated for his or her losses.  

First, victims have to show the store owner knew or should have known there was a dangerous condition.  Victims must also show the store owner failed to take reasonable steps to correct the hazard or warn visitors about it; and that injuries occurred as a direct result of this failure.  For these reasons, when an accident happens in a store, injured victims should consult a personal injury attorney.

Top Injury Causes That Store Owners are Liable For

Three of the most common mistakes property owners make that can lead to injuries for customers and liability for owners include:

It is up to injured victims to prove every element of their case against the owner of a store.  A Long Beach personal injury attorney will obtain store surveillance footage, witness statements, maintenance records, security logs, and any other evidence needed to make a successful claim for compensation.

How a Long Beach Personal Injury Attorney Can Help

Your Injuries are Personal to Me

As a Long Beach personal injury attorney who only represents accident victims, I am serious about helping clients get the compensation they deserve to cover their losses.  When an injury happens in a store, I can determine how the accident happened and prove the store owner should be considered responsible for the resulting damage.

Call the Law Office of Michael D. Waks at 888-394-1174 or use the convenient online contact form to schedule a free consultation.

You are under no obligation and you will never pay any money unless you recover damages for your injuries.

I offer bilingual services as part of my comprehensive approach to legal representation and I am available 24/7 to talk to you about your case.

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