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Law Office of Michael D. Waks

Can I Recover Compensation for Injuries at a Friend’s Party?

party-1322605When someone throws a party, they assume some degree of responsibility for making sure their premises are safe.  A homeowner or a renter should not invite people over to a building that has dangerous conditions.  When a property owner has guests over to an unsafe space, the property owner can become responsible for any injuries and losses that result.

It is possible to recover compensation for injuries sustained at a friend’s party if your friend failed to fulfill a duty he or she had to keep you reasonably safe.  Premises liability laws in California determine what level of duty a property owner has to invited guests.  Your own conduct may also affect your right to compensation if you get hurt during a party or other special event.

When Is it Possible to Recover Compensation for Injuries at a Friend’s Party?

In all premises liability cases, you have to show both that the property owner failed in a duty to make the premises reasonably safe, and that you were hurt directly because of the failure.  If your injuries were caused by your own actions, you are not going to be able to sue for injuries. Premises liability law designates different categories of guests and the property owner’s duties to visitors in each category.  In most cases, social party guests are classified as licensees – people invited to the property for reasons other than for business.  There may be exceptions.  For example, if a property owner charges admission to a party or has a party to sell or market a product, this could result in the guests being considered invitees, who are owed a higher duty of care.

No matter what duty a property owner has to you by law, it is not the job of the property owner to ensure you are 100 percent safe from every possible risk.  Property owners become liable for injuries if the injuries occur as a direct result of a dangerous condition the property owner was aware of, or should have been aware of it, and failed to correct it or warn guests about it.  For example, if your friend knew she had a broken stair and chose not to fix it, you could recover compensation for injuries incurred at a party at her house if the undetectably faulty step collapses.

At many parties, guests drink.  If you were drinking at the party where you got hurt, it can complicate your case if your friend claims you were injured due to intoxication.  Even if you were partly at fault for your accident, California’s comparative fault rules may allow you to receive compensation for the part of the injuries your friend was to blame for.  California is a pure comparative fault state, so if your friend’s negligence was only one percent to blame for what happened to you, you can still receive compensation for one percent of your losses.

A Long Beach Premises Liability Lawyer Can Help

Your Injuries Are Personal to Me

A Long Beach premises liability lawyer can help you pursue a claim for compensation if you were hurt at a friend’s party.  At the Law Offices of Michael D. Waks, you are represented by an attorney with experience.  I care about your injuries and I am passionate about helping people get compensated when a property owner fails them and harms them.

Call the Law Office of Michael D. Waks at 888-394-1174 or use the convenient online contact form to schedule a free consultation to learn about how I can help with claims after an injury at a friend’s party.

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