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Law Office of Michael D. Waks

What Will You Most Likely Injure in a Motorcycle Accident?

car accident lawyer motorcycle crash

More than 80% of all motorcycle accidents result in injury or death to the motorcyclist.  The bike itself provides no protection to riders or passengers.  The other vehicles involved in a motorcycle crash usually have more weight, bulk and safety features than the motorcycle.  This means motorcycle riders need to take special precautions, and drive defensively.  As a motorcycle accident lawyer I have found that riders who place emphasis on helmets, eye protection and safety clothing reduce the severity of their injuries in a collision.

Knowing the most common injuries suffered in motorcycle accidents can help riders increase their awareness and safety.  It may be surprising to learn what you are most likely to injure if you are involved in a motorcycle accident. Read on to find out.

What Are the Common Motorcycle Accident Injuries?

The highest percentage of nonfatal injuries suffered in a motorcycle accident are to the leg and foot (30%).  According to a study conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, among motorcycle riders who suffered lower-extremity injuries, bone fractures were more common than soft tissue injuries.  When motorcycle riders sustained lower-extremities injuries, 81 percent received acute hospital care and were subsequently discharged.

The second most common motorcycle accident injuries were neck and head injuries (22%).  Those were followed by upper-extremity injuries (chest, shoulders and back), then arms, hands and lower trunk (pelvis and hips).  While lower-extremity injuries were the most common, the most severe injuries were to the head, chest, and abdomen.

A hospital in Finland conducted a five-year study looking at the types of treatments provided to motorcycle accident victims at its facility.  This study revealed the different types of injuries sustained to the head, upper, and lower extremities. These injuries included:

Like the NHTSA study, lower-extremity injuries were the most common motorcycle accident injuries treated (46%) at the hospital where the study took place.

What Are The Costs Of Motorcycle Accident Injuries?

The costs of all these injuries can be quite high.  The NHTSA report, published in 2008, estimated the median charges to treat lower-extremity injuries was $39,000. Patients with additional injuries incurred median charges of $56,000.  Of the motorcyclists requiring medical care, approximately 20% did not have insurance and were considered self-pay patients.  Health insurance, automobile insurance, Medicaid, and Medicare picked up the remainder of the costs.

Expensive medical costs are just part of the losses sustained by motorcyclists hurt in a crash.  When a driver causes a motorcycle accident, the injured rider should pursue a claim for damages.  The at-fault driver can be held accountable and made to pay the motorcyclist’s medical bills, lost earnings and pain and suffering.  The family of a rider who is killed in a motorcycle accident can file a wrongful death claim.

How a Long Beach Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Can Help

Your Injuries are Personal to Me

Victims who sustain any injury in a motorcycle accident need to understand their right to receive compensation for crash losses.  It is advisable to speak with a motorcycle accident lawyer soon after a crash.  He can help make sure you get the proper medical treatment and start investigating your accident before evidence disappears.

My law practice exclusively represents personal injury victims.  I build the strongest case possible to show the cause and extent of motorcycle accident injuries so you can get full and fair compensation.  Because motorcycle crashes are so often serious, and treatment for injuries expensive, compensation can be essential for victims and their families.  I take your injuries personally, and that is why I directly handle all aspects of every case to ensure that you receive maximum compensation.

Call the Law Office of Michael D. Waks at 888-394-1174 or use the convenient online contact form to schedule a free consultation.  You are under no obligation and you will never pay any money unless you recover damages for your injuries.  I offer bilingual services as part of my comprehensive approach to legal representation and I am available 24/7 to talk to you about your case.

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