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Law Office of Michael D. Waks

Slip and Fall Accidents and the Coefficient of Friction Test

slip and fallA slippery floor is a dangerous condition that often leads to a slip and fall accident.  People injured this way while visiting a commercial or residential property can file a personal injury claim, if the property owner was aware of, or should have been aware of, the hazardous condition.

When someone begins litigation in a slip and fall accident case, the slipperiness of the surface where the victim fell becomes a major factor.  To prove a slippery floor was indeed dangerous, a personal injury attorney will use an objective measure called the coefficient of friction test.

What is a Coefficient of Friction Test?

How slippery a floor is can be measured by a ratio known as the coefficient of friction (COF).  COF values are used to define the slip resistance of walkway surfaces under dry and wet conditions.  When someone moves across a surface, there is a frictional force.  The COF calculates the level of friction by dividing the frictional force by the weight of the pedestrian.  The lower the resulting number, the more slippery the surface.

Technically speaking, a slip occurs when the COF between the bottom of a shoe and the walking surface does not provide sufficient resistance to counteract the forward forces at the point of contact.  This happens most commonly on wet floors or surfaces.

How Does the Coefficient of Friction Test Effect a Slip and Fall Case?

A floor can be slippery for many reasons.  It can be wet from spills, rain, cleaning, or from being freshly waxed.  Whatever the reason for a slippery floor, if you fall as a result, you can sustain a significant injury such as a head, neck, back or brain injury.

The important elements in a slip and fall accident case are the combination of the heel and sole of a shoe, the substance that was on the floor, and the floor itself.  Floors with a high traction rating present a low risk of slip and fall, while those with moderate and low traction present elevated risk for slips and falls.  Because knowing how these elements effect the likely of an accident occurring is important, a personal injury attorney representing an accident victim will hire experts in this field.

The experts will investigate the accident scene, speak to witnesses and conduct a coefficient of friction test.  If necessary, he or she will testify about how the test was done and explain why a low coefficient of friction is a good indicator of a slippery floor.  With expert testimony from qualified professionals who can make this complex concept easy for the average jury to understand, victims are able to make their case for compensation.

Contact A Long Beach Slip and Fall Lawyer About Your Case

Your Injuries are Personal to Me

As an experienced Long Beach slip and fall lawyer, I exclusively represent victims of injuries and have represented many clients in fall injury cases.  I have a network of expert witnesses who testify in slip and fall cases and can make a jury understand how the coefficient of friction is an objective measure of slipperiness.  If you’ve been hurt by a slip and fall, call now and I will begin putting your case together.

Call the Law Office of Michael D. Waks at 888-394-1174 or use the convenient online contact form to schedule a free consultation.  You are under no obligation and you will never pay any money unless you recover damages for your injuries.  I offer bilingual services as part of my comprehensive approach to legal representation and I am available 24/7 to talk to you about your case.

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