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Law Office of Michael D. Waks

What Type of Attorney is Right For A Spinal Cord Injury Case?

Does My Attorney Need Special Knowledge To Handle A Spinal Cord Injury Case?Auto accidents and motorcycle accidents are the leading causes of spinal cord injuries. According to the Mayo Clinic, car and motorcycle accidents account for over 35% of new spinal cord injuries each year. Many personal injury lawyers handle automobile and motorcycle accident cases, but not all personal injury attorneys have experience with spinal cord injuries. When it comes to handling personal injury cases, knowledge and experience count in getting the full compensation a victim deserves.

A successful lawsuit can provide a spinal cord injury victim with a sense of justice and the financial resources needed to meet the expenses created by his or her spinal cord injury. Finding a personal injury lawyer who specializes in complex personal injury cases and also has specific knowledge handling spinal cord injury cases, can be difficult.

Why Do I Need an Experienced Spinal Cord Injury Attorney?

Spinal cord injuries are one of the most serious types of injuries we see in personal injury accidents. A spinal cord injury (SCI) can be complete, causing complete paralysis, or incomplete, causing partial paralysis. People who suffer a spinal cord injury will continue to need medical and personal care throughout their lives, and the costs can be enormous.

In the aftermath of a SCI accident, the victim and his or her family have a lot to deal with and many decisions to make. In addition to shock, anger and fear, the victim and his or her family have to be concerned about how to pay for current and future medical costs related to having a disability. Even after health and disability insurance, many expenses and rehabilitation services will not be covered. That is where a personal injury claim can help. Winning a lawsuit against the person whose negligence caused the accident, can alleviate the victim’s financial burden by compensating him or her for:

Although a SCI victim should not feel rushed, bringing in a qualified spinal cord injury attorney early can be helpful in many ways. First and foremost, because he is experienced in this area, he can help develop the best team of medical experts to oversee diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of the spinal cord injury patient. In addition, early gathering of information about the accident from witnesses before their memories fade, and from the accident scene before physical evidence is lost, will help assure the highest compensation for the accident victim. An experienced attorney will engage the appropriate technical experts as quickly as possible to prevent evidence related to the injury from getting lost or modified as time passes. These experts are crucial to obtaining the type of result SCI victims deserve.

A knowledgeable spinal cord injury lawyer will guide the victim and his or her family through the often long and difficult legal process with compassion, because he understands what they are going through.

Contact an Experienced Long Beach Spinal Cord Injury Attorney to Assist You with Your Claim

“Your Injuries are Personal to Me”

My law practice exclusively represents personal injury victims and does so with a deep understanding of their suffering and an absolute commitment to their recovery. I take your injuries personally, and that is why I directly handle all aspects of every case to ensure that you receive maximum compensation.

Call the Law Office of Michael D. Waks at 888-394-1174 or use the convenient online contact form to schedule a free consultation. You are under no obligation and you will never pay any money unless you recover damages for your injuries. I offer bilingual services as part of my comprehensive approach to legal representation and I am available 24/7 to talk to you about your case.


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